On this festive occasion with the Sensex reaching 21000 and Nifty crossing 6000 and also India's great plans with America with its President visiting our country ....,finally India is on the move to make 3G services in India as effective as possible.This diwali Tata Docomo releases its 3G services and comes out with variety of plans to make the services common in masses.
For those who don't know what 3G means or who can narrow their mind regarding 3G upto video calling and high speed mobile internet only ,to them i say that you are on the right path but 3G is not only this but a pack of features bundled and named as 3G,an upgrade to 2G or 2.5G.
3G constitutes Video calling,Internet TV,Fast Data transfer rate,High speed internet on your hand upto speeds of 3.1mbps,more powerful GPS Navigation,syncing with Net more enhanced which all means that your handset will also be an exceptional one with more powerful processors and more memory thats why in today's market we get a wide variety of smartphones under our budget which was found only in the hands of a corporate.
With 3G becoming so common day by day but still not fully effective in India Telecom companies are trying to bring the services as soon as possible so that Indian people who love games play them online from their handset itself with no disturbances at all.
Cellphone companies are bringing variety of handsets at different prices and it becomes a necessity to have one 3G handset with variety of third party apps which are in a great flow in the market.I myself find atleast 2 software for a 3G handset everyday excluding the upgrade of the old ones.
I believe seeing is believing so u can surf onto www.apple.com and browse the variety of iphone 3G apps and the apps on www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile and see how much you will get open into the market of 3G apps and would want to try each one of them to have a third generation experience.
Rohit Bankia
Go 3GG